Spotkajmy się biznesowo

Jesteśmy ekspertami w kwestiach kadrowo-płacowych, podatkowych
i prawnych – pomożemy Ci rozwiązać Twoje problemy.

Spotkajmy się biznesowo
Protection of your interests is our overriding goal
We have joined forces to ensure the maximum security of your company. The Uni-Lex Group consists of lawyers, accountants, tax advisers and statutory auditors - we work together to ensure that our clients’ businesses are protected on many fronts.

We take care not only of accounting, human resources and legal matters. It is important for us to optimize our clients’ expenses, manage assets as well as possible and generate tax savings. Cooperation with the Uni-Lex Group is your informed investment in the dynamic development of your business.
Twoja Firma


Do you have your own business? Or maybe you are just starting your own activity? One thing is certain - accounting is an inseparable and important aspect of business, and we will take care of it in a comprehensive and professional manner.

HR and payroll

While our clients and their staff build the future of the company, we are equally committed to their HR and payroll security.


Professional legal services within the scope of conducting your affairs in the field of broadly-understood civil, commercial, economic and labour law transactions.

Why us?

We have 25 years of experience in the field of the offered services. We will take care of your company as lawyers, accountants, advisers and business translators, guaranteeing security and professionalism.
The team of the Uni-Lex Group consists of qualified and experienced specialists. We guarantee the highest level of our services. Our experts watch over every assignment.
In our work, we focus on combining tradition with modernity. Our clients have access to an online accounting office which offers a possibility of submitting documents directly.

Tax consultancy

A new service in the Uni-Lex Group’s offer, which is our response to the need for tax security of our clients and the tax consequences of taken business decisions.

Virtual office

An ideal solution for entrepreneurs who, for the purposes of company registration, need the full service with an address required for the company’s operation, without incurring additional rental costs.

We will be happy to meet you
and your company

“This was exactly the kind of support I needed” - this is the most common sentence among our new clients.
Find out if it also applies to you? We will be pleased to answer your email or pick up the phone when you call.
You can also arrange a non-committal meeting with us.